Someone in the Twitterverse must have done something very right, because this evening the Twitter gods were sure smiling down on.. well, Twitter, and all our Twitter prayers were answered...
CJ is known as the Twitter-king, amongst All Blacks fans and the general NZ public - using Twitter as a way to connect with his fans, make announcements, give his opinion, get in trouble with his wife for missing her birthday dinner #dogboxmuch. Mr Guildford also started using Twitter - and whilst he is nowhere near the Twitter king that CJ is, he has lifted his game as of late - and is certainly the Twitter-prince to CJ's Twitter-king.
Forever now (well..... for about 8 months) there has been a very public campaign to get Izzy Dagg on Twitter.. but he refused.. and refused.. and refused.... UNTIL TONIGHT! Mister Israel Dagg is now on Twitter, and already he is tweeting up a storm - and is developing quite the following.
According to Twitter, his first tweet was at 6.26pm - it is now 8.18pm, so in that 1 hour and 52 minutes he has gained 1612 followers, which works out to be an average of 14.3 followers per minute. Compare that to Zaccy who has 6555 followers and CJ who has 57,597 followers. Still a way to go on both of them - but I have a feeling he'll take Zaccy's Twitter-prince title in the coming days.
The proof is in the pudding... well, in the Twitter profile... |
By the way. It's now 8.24pm and Izzy is up to 1657 followers.