Fuck you, Murphy.
20 minutes into the Hurricanes game vs the Brumbies, the other night - Mr Jane ended up getting a 'high ankle sprain', the result being that he is now out of rugby for SIX weeks. My math isn't awesome, but I DO know that the All Blacks v Ireland game that we are attending, is 27 days away - which is under 4 weeks. And I can count well enough, that I know 6 comes after 4.
So fuck you, Murphy - you stupid whore, now I miss out on seeing the sexy Mr Jane, playing alongside the hawt Mr McCaw!
I plan to adopt the man, to be Gaby's new Daddy.... |
It helps that he's somewhat pretty, with nice arms - and tattoos. And other things I won't go into, for I am in denial. Oh.. and he has very pretty eyelashes as well, the type that are all dark and long, and most women would probably die for. Oh - and did I mention the tattoos? Oh, I think I did...
So now for June to be a fan-fucking-tastic month, I rely heavily on Mr Guildford making the All Blacks team to take on Ireland. Yes. I am having girlfriend time (-- hallelujah chorus --), I am having family time, my baby girl is turning two - but there is now no Mr Cory Jane to think dirty thoughts about for 80 minutes. And no triumvirate of epicness. Oh god. What if Sonny Dick Williams is on the field for that game? This could fast turn into a tragedy of epic proportions.
Did I mention the tattoos?? |
While it sucks big giant hairy balls that YGH won't be playing in June, you get to drool all over his girlfriend (and yours...) and I get to see MGH play IRL, for the first time...